Looking for love in all the RIGHT places...
Lately I have been a match to great love and have been seeing it all around me. In the son's bear hugs as he suprised his Mom, coming home on leave from the Army oversees, in the long married couple who's caring and admiration for each other remains fresh and youthful, in the glowing eyes of the new Mom gazing at her baby, in the couple having some problems getting counseling and a renewed appreciation for the good in their lives, in the woman who is loving her cat, and in the nephews, rushing to the bedside of their uncle, in the joy of the little girl, dressed as a tiny bride herself, playing flower girl at a wedding, at the little boy, gleeful, as he gets to play football with the big kids for the very first time, as the toddler, trying out her new pair of legs! (Thanks, David, for that beautiful, evocative phrase!)
There is so much love here, all around us. I love that I am seeing it, more and more...
I've been off writing a book, and now a second book, since September. More detail on that soon!