Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What release feels like to me

What is Release -- Connee Chandler 7-14-09

Release is letting go of needing to control all the details. Release is like letting go of a balloon and watching my Spirit soar among the clouds. Release is allowing my Self to FLY! Release is relaxing into trust. Release is relaxing into the knowing that all is well. Release is surrendering the belief that my local perspective is my only perspective. Release is remembering who I truly am. Release is letting go of needing to specify a particular path for my good to come on.

Release is relaxing my resistance. Release is letting my guard down. Release is freeing myself from fear and worry. Release is letting my mind and my heart sink into peace. Release is the stillness. Release is letting go and letting God.
Release is deep trust. Release is knowing that all is well. Release is remembering that things always work out for me.

Release is freedom. Release is the freedom of allowing my life to unfold. Release is allowing my life to evolve from a higher perspective. Release is cultivating a climate of intuitive knowing. Release is the culmination of my spiritual path so far.

Release is loosing the boundaries of my sense of self and letting in more spiritual territory. Release is joy liberated. Release is standing on the edge of the expansion of the Universe. Release is stretching into something more. Release is allowing my higher perspective more room to maneuver. Release is faith in action. Release is putting my life where my mouth is. Release is deeply knowing that even when it looks like something is going wrong, it’s actually something going right.

Release is stopping second guessing the plot of the movie of my life and watching it unfolding in mystery and wonder, trusting in the happy ending. Release is letting go of limiting beliefs. Release is basking in the knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for me. Release is trusting in the divine nature of my being. Release is knowing there is a bigger picture. Release is allowing God’s vision for my life to be revealed. Release is savoring the love that I am. Release is courting the conscious presence of the divine. Release is letting go of the past. Release is letting go of limiting beliefs and narrow thoughts. Release is letting go of the need to understand in the short term.

Release is knowing that grace is always here. Release is allowing myself to rely on my Higher Self. Release is savoring the love that is the truth in this Universe. Release is knowing the Universe is friendly. Release is allowing Spirit to orchestrate a solution. Release is letting love lead. Release is taking the next gentle step. Release is taking the path of least resistance.

Release is thinking outside the box. Release is trusting that my Inner Being is orchestrating the very best possible outcome of my life from the highest perspective. Release is deciding that sometimes it is ok to not know what’s next. Release is allowing life to flow. Release is letting myself know that there is more to me than I ever knew before, more to life than I ever guessed.

Release, like freedom is an incremental process, not an on-off switch, but a dimmer switch with a million stops. Release is about allowing just today’s next gentle step. Release is about letting go with love. Release is about trusting the flow. Release is deeply healing. Release is energizing.
Release frees up emotional and physical energy. Release relaxes tension, in the body, mind and Spirit. Release is relaxing into the knowing that I am always safe. Release is remembering that I am always loved. Release is delegating to my staff of thousands in nonphysical. Release is remembering that the Fairies of the Universe want to help me live an extraordinary life.

Release is remembering that there is great power in letting go. Release is reducing my baseline level of tension. Release is holding on a little less tightly. Release is unclenching my fist. Release is love winning out over fear. Release is choosing what’s really important. Release is being willing to be happy rather right. Release feels good, free, easy! Release rocks!

Release is empowering, powerful, grace-filled, liberating! Release feels like joy. Release feels like letting go of bondage, getting out of jail and collecting $200! Release is deeply trusting my Inner Being’s skill at orchestration. Release feels like recognizing that there is a bigger picture, even if I don’t see it yet. Release feels like focusing on what really matters. Release feels like living NOW. Release is being fully engaged in my life. Release is accepting the invitation to play a new game. Release is opening up to who I can be at a higher level. Release is blessing who I have been, on the way to becoming more. Release happens in the perfect timing. Release is cooperating with a universal intention. Release is giving Source room to maneuver.

Release is allowing my vibrational escrow to manifest. Release is about leaving the door open for something new to arrive. Release is being willing for life to be a glorious adventure. Release is letting go of fear, tension and worry. Release is knowing Law of Attraction is always in action. Release is letting go of past hurts and stories and allowing today’s joyful moments.

Release is being quiet enough to hear divine guidance. Release is seeing with new eyes. Release is letting go of the way things were in favor of the way things are and can be. Release is allowing synchronicity. Release is freeing up the energy to notice synchronicity is always already happening.

Release is decluttering. Release is letting go what no longer works and appreciating what does work. Release is simple and elegant. Release is a signal to the Universe that I am ready for what’s new and what’s next. Release is the key that opens the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, right here and now.

Release is remembering it’s not my job to make it happen, it’s my joy to let it happen. Release is knowing my dreams are already in the process of coming true. Release is knowing where to put my faith. Release is remembering that God is a river, not just a stone. Release is letting the games begin. Release is embarking on a grand new adventure.

Release is letting go of the old rules and ways and feeling my way into an intuitively guided life. Release is trusting in the beauty and wisdom of God. Release is allowing myself to be a fuller expression of Source, a more radiant light in the world. Release is allowing my light to shine brightly. Release is letting go of my defenses, feeling my truth and trusting the consequences, even if I damn them for a moment along the way. Release is cultivating a new, free-er, more expansive kind of foresight. Release is letting go of what feels constrictive and embracing what feels expansive.


  1. What a beautiful reminder Connee. Do you know the Rickie Byers Beckwith song -- "I Release"?

    I release into the beauty that is your writing and your spirit.

    All love,
    Sheri Ponzi

  2. Oh, yes, Sheri! We sang that every week at my Science of Mind Church in Denver while I was there -- 1986 to 1992! Good memories, thanks!

    Love and hugs,


  3. Wow, Connee, that was powerful - I read it and really let it sink in. There are no coincidences...this is the theme my Inner being has been talking about all week long...thank you for your beautiful words, and the soothing energy behind them.
