Sunday, September 6, 2009

connecting more deeply with Spirit

I'm giving a talk this morning about Spirit, and was inspired to prepare for it by compiling some amazing thoughts about Spirit, and Source within us, from mystics of all ages.

Here's the handout I prepared for my study group! Some of these experiences/poems/comments feel like powerful portals to me...

Spiritual evolution should make the Infinite not more distant; but more intimate. (Ernest Holmes, SOM 89)

May we step into the open space that connects us to all beings, seen and unseen, and feel the infinite support of that loving field where each is given a unique sovereignty to fulfill. (David Spangler,

My Lord told me a joke. And seeing Him laugh has done more for me than any scripture I will ever read. (Meister Eckhart, *99)

We are awakening, to the calling of the mystic, awakening, in the flowering of the heart, everybody here, melting into presence, overflowing effervescence, rising in love… (Miten)

Love exists everywhere around us and permeates everything - it is the treasure of this world, and by its very essence it cannot be kept captive inside our own coffers. .. Link your spirit to love itself, open your heart to existence (Rumi, Path of Love Mathnawi III, 1417-1421)

How long will grown men and women in this world keep drawing in their coloring books an image of God that makes them sad? (Meister Eckhart, *117)

I couldn’t lie anymore so I started to call my dog “God.” First he looked confused, then he started smiling, then he even danced. I kept at it: now he doesn’t even bite. I am wondering if this might work on people? (Tukaram, *333)

Such love does the sky now pour, that whenever I stand in a field, I have to wring out the light when I get home. (St. Francis of Assisi, *48)

It’s a lie – any talk of God that doesn’t comfort you. (Meister Eckhart, *118)

On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the love starts. Today is such a day. (Rumi, *80)

Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there. (Rumi)

Know the true nature of your Beloved. In His loving eyes, your every thought, word and movement is always, ALWAYS beautiful. (Hafiz, *164)

If I told you the truth about God, you might think I was an idiot. If I lied to you about the Beautiful One, you might parade me though the streets shouting, “This guy is a genius!” This world has its pants on backwards… Thus having a clear grasp of the situation, if I am asked anything these days, I just laugh. Kabir, (*212)

If God would stop telling jokes, I might act serious. (Tukaram, *353)

*Love Poems from God, Daniel Ladinsky

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness could we but see - and to see we have only to look. I beseech you to look! (Fra Giovanni)

Humanity is divinity wearing a mask. (Ernest Holmes, Essential Ernest Holmes, 99)

Take the heat out from under old hurts, and what is left is light. (Ernest Holmes, Essential Ernest Holmes, 123)

I see God everywhere in the matrix that unites us all… synchronicity is due to the vibration of our molecules organizing at the highest levels to achieve coherence and harmony. This is the demonstration of what I know as God. (Candace Pert, Everything You need to Know to feel Go(o)d, 215)

It is in each of us, in our very being moment to moment, that the Infinite and the Finite continuously marry and incarnate as new possibility. (Richard Moss, Black Butterfly 11)

The God of the visionary response is the God of light. The human nervous system is capable of accessing this response, which brings transformation, clarity, wonder, magic and healing. This is the God of miracles who reveals the higher states of consciousness available to human beings. (Deepak Chopra, How to know God)

The processes of your reunion with the nonphysical aspect of your Being is totally a personal experience, a love affair uniquely yours. This Love is divine love of Source for itself. This Love is the tasting of Source through you. There is no greater Love than the recognition of divinity in all you see… The glory of your Being is the sparkle within Source’s Eye. (Kelly Torian)

We are already and always on sacred ground. The gifts of grace and delight are present and abundant; the time to live and love and give thanks and rest and delight is now, this moment, this day. Feel what heaven is like. Have a taste of eternity. Rest in the arms of the divine... The time to sleep, to rest, is now. We are already home. (Wayne Muller, Sabbath, pp. 77-79)

There is great love here for you. (Abraham-Hicks)

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